Our Platform Is FREE To Join + We Take No Commissions!
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question. We'll actually respond within 24 hours or less.
The question you should be asking instead is:
"Why am I paying to offer discounts?"
Whether you're paying to be on a platform or you're paying referral fees/commissions, your business should NEVER have to pay to offer discounts!
Think about it.
You pay to be on a platform,
then you "pay" to give the actual discount, which is usually flat!
You have NO relationship with the customer because they create an account on the platform's website!
On top of that, most platforms sell your customer's data!
We don't think that's fair, nor profitable.
That's why we created Digi Discountsβ’!
We will NEVER charge any business to offer discounts!
Our business model allows us to do this without charging you.
How many times do we have to say it?!? π
We will NEVER take a referral fee, commission or kickback!
Our value driven business model allows us to do this without charging you.
Unlimited Use Discounts.
This is the ONLY thing we require from your business.
In order to make this thing work, we must be able to provide customers discounts at all times!
We don't like jumping through hoops, so why should they?
We'll be monetizing the Silver, Gold & Diamond Discounts.
Stay tuned!
That's Simple.
Without our Partners, we have NOTHING.
Without our Customers, our Partners will have less business.
We think it's a smart idea to put both of them FIRST.
In fact, we encourage it!
Just don't be stingy! π€
You may have any conditions that must be met in order to obtain a discount.
For Example:
"Discount only applies to orders over $50"
Since we'll already be advertising, promoting and marketing our platform, it wouldn't make sense to charge you!
We will be using these tiers for different programs in the near future! π
These tiers are what enable our generous business model to work.
Stay Tuned!
That's part of the reason we're doing this!
Networking Baby!
We'll even connect you through our "Digi Discounts Email Group"!!
Customer Service & Privacy.
We don't want your Employee's and/or Customer's Personal Information.
Not even their emails!
Discord does collect information, but will never sell it.
Please visit their privacy policy here: https://discord.com/privacy#
Plus, Discord is an internationally trusted app and it has incredible features that will allow us to provide top tier customer service!
We have ABSOLUTELY no clue!
Businesses everywhere seem to not give a π© about providing customer service at all, never mind GOOD customer service!
With Discord's help, we aim to reshape the way in which customer service is provided!
Hopefully, it will catch on!